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Topper - unnecessary luxury item or recommended extra comfort?

Box Spring Beds – Are Hotel Beds Suitable for Home Use?

Why do almost all hotels use box spring beds? What are the benefits for home use? Here you will learn all the important details about the popular box spring beds from hotels.

Why Do Almost All Hotels Use Box Spring Beds?

The hotel bed is the centerpiece of every hotel room. For some time now, the box spring bed has become the standard. Not without reason: hotel guests have high expectations for the hotel bed. In a survey conducted by a booking portal, 91% of guests stated that they would not recommend an otherwise very good hotel if the beds were bad. A bad bed is a knockout criterion for a hotel – especially if poor sleep results in a negative review on booking portals.

Hotels set criteria that must be met for a bed to be suitable for guest use. The top priority is, of course, guest satisfaction, followed by the durability of the hotel bed under constant use. The price-performance ratio is also important, as a hotel typically needs to purchase and replace 50 to 250 beds. Hygiene is crucial as well – how can the bed be cleaned and maintained without much effort? The box spring bed excels in almost all these points, which is why it is so popular in hotels.

What Exactly is a Box Spring Bed?

Many people know box spring beds by name and have a rough idea of what they look like. The term "box spring bed" comes from American English. Translated, "box" means "box" and "spring" means "spring" – so we are talking about a "spring box." The spring box is a fundamental component of the box spring bed. On top of it is placed the pocket spring mattress, and the headboard is attached to it. The box replaces the slatted frame used in regular beds. The frame of the box is usually made of solid wood and surrounds the springs. The springs in the box are either Bonnell springs in the form of a spring core or pocket springs.

What Are the Advantages of a Box Spring Bed?

Box spring beds were developed in North America. The goal was to create the greatest possible distance between the mattress and the floor to improve hygiene. But box spring beds have other advantages. The spring core makes the bed extremely well-ventilated and very breathable, making it suitable for allergy sufferers. The use of spring core mattresses also enhances the bed. The combination of both elements provides the best result and ensures restful, comfortable sleep. The height of the box spring bed creates a comfortable entry height into the bed, making it easier to get up in the morning, which is particularly beneficial for older people. Since the springs of the box spring bed are surrounded by air, there is no friction, making box spring beds very quiet. There is no creaking, as you might know from conventional beds.

How Can I Recognize a Genuine Box Spring Bed?

More and more often, very cheap box spring beds are found, which, upon closer inspection, turn out not to be genuine box spring beds. At first glance, the differences are hardly noticeable, as they lie in the bed's interior. Therefore, the price is an initial indicator. But terms like "box spring look" or "box spring feel" should also raise red flags. These are often beds that mimic the box spring design but usually lack the lying properties and the box with the springs. The cheap models are often equipped with a Bonnell spring core mattress, losing the benefits of excellent point elasticity since they are surface elastic.

But how can you recognize a genuine box spring bed? Genuine box spring beds always consist of a box filled with springs. Ensure the box is equipped with an integrated pocket spring core or Bonnell disc spring core. The other component is a high-quality mattress that does not block but supports the box's properties. A pocket spring core mattress is recommended here. A topper can also be used to increase lying comfort. Large, fabric-covered headboards in various shapes typically create the classic box spring bed look. In our configurator, you have a wide selection of headboards to match your dream bed.

ALLERGY TIP: For allergy sufferers, it is important that the bed allows good air exchange. Box spring beds are very suitable here. Thanks to the double spring core in the box and the mattress, air can circulate optimally, and moisture cannot easily settle. Box spring beds with synthetic leather covers are particularly suitable for allergy sufferers, as mites do not feel comfortable on the smooth surface, which can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

The topper should be able to perform its support function. Therefore, the height of the topper is an important criterion. It should be approximately 6 cm. Thinner toppers quickly become worn out and are more like mattress pads. Heavier individuals should use a topper with a height of at least 6-8 cm, as the resilience and therefore the comfort of the topper increases with height.

The Right Base Mattress

A pocket spring mattress is recommended for using a topper. Since the topper originally evolved as the third layer of a box spring bed, it has the best effect here. This combination creates the best comfort when paired with a pocket spring mattress or a barrel pocket spring mattress, as these provide high point elasticity. Although toppers originated as a component of box spring beds, they can also be used very well on mattresses with a slatted frame. The comfort, protection, and hygienic properties of a topper have already convinced many customers.

The Material – The Most Common Types of Toppers

Toppers also differ in the material they are made of. Toppers used in the hospitality industry must provide guests with a great sleep experience while meeting the demands of hotel operations. Therefore, we recommend the most common toppers from hotels worldwide.

Cold Foam Mattress Toppers

Cold foam toppers are known for their high adaptability to the body. They also promote good air circulation and moisture regulation, as cold foam has an open-pore structure. This allows body heat and moisture to be optimally absorbed and then released. For people who sweat heavily at night, a cold foam topper is the right choice. It is also suitable for those who prefer a firmer sleeping surface.

Visco Foam Mattress Toppers

This topper is made of viscoelastic foam, also known as "memory foam." The material responds to pressure and heat, providing consistent body warmth and optimal pressure relief during sleep. As your body temperature rises during sleep, the visco foam automatically becomes more elastic and adapts even better to your body. We recommend these toppers for people who often suffer from back pain. They are also perfect if you get cold easily. However, if you prefer to sleep in cold rooms, you should avoid a visco foam topper, as the material loses elasticity and can become hard in the worst case. Additionally, this topper is not suitable if you sweat a lot at night.

Toppers – What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

A topper is not absolutely necessary, but it can significantly enhance sleeping comfort. Mattress toppers offer numerous advantages, but there are also disadvantages, for example, if the topper does not harmonize with the mattress.


Using a topper feels like having a second mattress. It makes your bed feel more elastic and softer. A good topper wicks away moisture that accumulates at night, thereby regulating the sleeping climate. Toppers are often used to create a large sleeping surface. For example, if you have a double bed with single mattresses or two single beds, a continuous topper can bridge the gaps between the two mattresses. Toppers are washable compared to a mattress, at least the removable cover, and they protect the actual mattress from wear and tear.


By placing a topper on the mattress, which itself ensures a good sleeping climate, the ventilation of the underlying mattress is restricted. This is unproblematic with box spring beds or innerspring mattresses on slatted frames. However, it is not recommended for latex mattresses or cold foam mattresses – in these cases, we advise against using a topper. Additionally, it is not useful to cover a mattress with different sleep zones with a uniform topper, as this negates the benefits of the differentiated sleep zones.

Mattress Toppers – Suitable for Every Bed?

The original purpose of the topper lies in the box spring bed. The topper is the top part of this bed system. Since box spring beds can now be assembled in numerous modular systems, the customer can decide whether to have a topper or not. This has helped the topper become not necessarily associated only with box spring beds, allowing almost everyone to benefit from the advantages of the topper. As mentioned earlier, customers with cold foam or latex mattresses should not use a topper. All other mattresses, such as barrel pocket spring or innerspring mattresses, are suitable for enhancement and protection with a topper.

And Now? Our Conclusion on the Topic of Toppers

Those who sleep deeply and soundly at night gather enough energy for the following day. Sleep is therefore fundamentally important for our performance and health. However, anyone who delves into the topic of sleep quickly realizes that numerous factors play a role. Nutrition, lifestyle, and much more. The requirements of one's own body, such as sweating, feeling cold, lying too hard, or sinking into the mattress, are factors that can disrupt sleep. A mattress topper can enhance sleeping comfort and thus also contribute to restful sleep. Thanks to the different materials from which toppers are made, everyone can find the right model. Of course, the right mattress and the suitable bed are the foundation of good sleep, but a topper increases overall comfort.